Myra916's Profile

Member Info
Name: Myra916
Birthday: May 3 1976
Location: EARTH
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 09 Jan 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello I'm New Here. I'm just looking to get in where I fit in.I have been labeled clairvoyant, also called witch among other things. Idk what it is but iv always known 'it' was something good and different. Based on my wish list its obvious what my main focus is.I believe there are others like me, with an open mind and believe in higher powers that are within and around us. I'm a beginner at this art I haven't practice any spells yet but I do plan on gathering the items I need to get started. I know what my goal is. Hopefully can make new friends here since we all share the same gift. I'm here to learn lots of new things while achieving my goal, once that is achieved I would like to use my new wealth and riches to express my gratitude to any moderators, priest and priestess who help me along my journey and my new found fellow sisters and brothers here to achieve their goals. I have 1 main specific goal so I hope this is the right place for me. Thank you in advance