CrystalWings's Profile

Member Info
Name: CrystalWings
Birthday: Apr 22 2001
Location: ...
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 13 May 2018
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am known here by my magickal name which is Eresmore. I'm 16 years old and I love dragons, whom are some of my best friends. My primary specialization is dragon magick. My secondary specializations are astral travel, aerokinesis, divination (with the use of pendulums, crystal balls, dreams, and tarot), and lucid dreaming. I have natural talents in aerokinesis and divination (dreams).
I have been studying magick for three years now and I have grown in ability since then. My introduction to magick was in Salem Massachusetts. It was difficult to learn, mainly because other people tend to push their beliefs of what is reality and not reality on others. However, my belief of dragons will never fade, as I can sense them around me. For some reason dragon magick is usually overlooked, but in reality I believe it is critical. Dragons can be befriended and can help with many different spells and rituals.
If you ever have any questions about magick, I am happy to help.
On a last note, If you read all the way to the bottom of this, congrats.
ALSO: If you have messaged me while I am online and I have not answered, it is probably because I typically leave my laptop on. My apologies in advance.