lydiana's Profile

Member Info
Name: lydiana
Birthday: Apr 30 2000
Location: Sacramento , CA
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 28 Mar 2025
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hello. My name is lydiana but you can just call me raven. I was born on April 30, so that makes me a Taurus. I am 20 years of age.
I love books, music, mythical creatures, superheroes, anime, fantasy anything, books, music, history, and game of thrones.
I am fairly new to magic so I like to consider myself an eclectic witch until I find the right path for me. i am looking for a teacher so please contact me If you are open to teaching.
My family is primarily Christian but I have recently come to the decision that the religion is not for me. I know that this is a big decision for a person with my background, but I am very serious about the decision that I have made.
please email me if you have any questions or are just looking for a friend.