Xavierwitch's Profile

Member Info
Name: Xavierwitch
Birthday: Feb 8 2002
Location: Morrow Georgia
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Thu, 13 Sep 2018
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hi my name is Xavier.
Thank you for visiting my bio
Here's a little about myself:
I'm 14 and I am a Aquarius and I am friendly but, if you attempt to disrespect me or verbally abuse me. Just know that karma is (well let's say it is not going to be pretty) do not judge because I'm homosexual, we are human just like you.
My religion is:
Christin. I'm not for going to church every Sunday but I love God.
What do I practice and how long have I been studying and practicing witchcraft:
I have been studying and practicing witchcraft for (if I'm not mistaking)
for a little less or a little more than a year, I have no path. I'm trying to build a relationship with nature and the universe that's my path
I am not experienced at all, I'v only had a year of experience so I would love some help