MoonIsSun13's Profile

Member Info
Name: MoonIsSun13
Location: Over there
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 16 Dec 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
My name is Brandon
Age: 13 turning 14
I Like Anime,Any thing horror orinted(Movies,Video Games ETC),Wolves and Dogs,Cryptozoology,Psychology,Any thing orinted with magic,Rain, And other stuff
Sence Ive heard of the term wicca and magic I was interested in the arts I was able to do rain spells when I was 11 and was so stuped that I over used it and caused a drought.The more spells I cast the more magic consumed my life which about most spells did work to my surprise at that age.Of corse I will be turning 14 in December and have became more focused and serous.The reason I joined this sight is to learn more in secrecy with others becuse no one accepts what I belive in whitch makes things harder.I thought of stopping learning magic becuse of the presure from people but it turns out I cant turn my back on it. My parnts are divorced and I see my mom and dad at seprate times.
Heres some more info now take it!
Hair color: Dark brown
Fav animals: Wolves,Dragons
Zodiac: Capicorn
Fav Music:Metal,Rock,New age,Techno
Food: If I only knew
Element: Earth
Goal in life: Destroy people who are in my way for my goal
Fav manga/Anime: Bleach,Death note,Elfin lied,Dragon eye IDK lots more