kunosan's Profile

Member Info
Name: kunosan
Birthday: Jul 18 2001
Location: Ellerbe Nc
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 21 Feb 2025
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
i am a hybrid....i have been treated like a worthless thing by scientists.. my main three hybrid forms are vampyre, dragon, and wolf.my family is/has a history of being people of magic, with the gene sometimes skipping a generation but as with the case with me it did not skip me but it did not pass to my younger brother. i'm normally a closed up person but if know you or you speak to me direct i will sometimes talk to you. I love Winter season and the snow because not many people drive on the country road i live and its eaiser to let loose without fear of harm or anything to other beings as i can be quite violent sometimes and theres plenty of woods and the only thing to worry about is the military training in these woods..its also eaiser to hide during the winter if being chased or followed.my bloodline is mainly made from of Irish, Scottish, Native American,Russain and i few others..my family is split and a couple are Norse and a few are Celtic while some are both like me.