beanzee13's Profile

Member Info
Name: beanzee13
Location: OH, USA
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 02 Jan 2025
Membership: Member
Coven Title: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
Hello everyone. Baby witch here! I am Sophia Darnell, go by Sophie. I want(ed,) to begin a journey by starting into a deep dive about the religions Pagan, and Wiccan. Currently, I'm going into the subjects surrounding the moon phase magic, and crystal magic, considering I had just bought a necklace crystal pendant last week, and it is a waxing gibbous moon phase. I decided that I wanted to take a closer look and invest myself into the religion and practices, because I am a nature lover and extreme animal lover at heart!! I also have been interested in the nature of science learning. As there are so much to learn about each of these subjects, it is also a never ending rabbit hole, even though this can be troublesome for some, it can be a wonderful experience for me, I love never ending learning, it keeps my mind busy!!! In regards to personal life: A) ANIMALS: I have 2 pets, one is a mini poodle who is the best pupper you could ever meet! Even though he is 10 now, I still call him a pup, just as a parent would call their kid a "kid" as a teen or as an adult. The other is a young black cat who is always noticed by her beautiful bright green eyes, that filling an entire room! I have done horseback riding as well. Not only as a part of my career center field of choice, but because I love horses so much> I had always wanted to be around horses from visiting on school field trips, or local barns you can visit in my area. Once I got into horseback riding, I fell SO IN LOVE with horses and the nature of them. Just the fact that you have to get to know the horse, and get to trust them and them trusting you back, is such a cool concept to me!! It makes the riding session easier as well, and a fulfillment of the need to improve(or have improved,) if you and the horse have a great connection. It allows for more skill learning and training and reaching new objectives and goals. B) NATURE: I have loved nature & animals since I was a little kid. During senior year of high school, I wanted to either do 3 career paths: animals, (anything from vet to horseback therapeutic riding/teaching,) psychology, digital art medium, or music production. The main thing I wanted to focus on was somewhere between psychology or animals. I wanted to once go into zoology, but I had learned just like psychology, it required many years of study, and it also had many branches stemming from the field, making it hard to chose!! The nature of psychology as it relates to humans also spike's curiosity for me. Even as it relates to different types of religions and cultural beliefs as well. I've always been into spooky things as well since I was a kid and. have had an extreme fascination about the unknown or unusual ever since. Anyways, I hope to learn over the next couple of years more about this religion.Needless to say, as is an understand imo, that I am perfect for learning closer about this religion now more than ever. I became interested in this subject/area of study during the start of 2019 and have been learning since. I can't wait to learn the rest of it, as I love never ending subject areas!!! I can't wait to get to know you all :)