NightStlkr's Profile

Member Info
Name: NightStlkr
Location: Indiana, ISA
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 18 Sep 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Let's see, my name shouldn't be of any concern to anyone here so we can all just call me NightStlkr. I'm one of those people who are drawn to twilight, I rarely sleep at night. I find the night more peaceful and serene, free of all the distractions that overwhelm during the day, and anytime without distraction is a good time. I've been practicing magick, in many forms, for around 10 years, with a few breaks here and there. Witchcraft is the only name I can peg onto the type of Magick I practice, because I truly do not like the term Wicca. I do not hold true to the beliefs of a lot of the other beliefs that a lot of traditions hold about white magick and black magick. To me, Magick for all intense and purpose is a type of neutral energy that is molded by the wielder to do their work on the other planes. One could consider a binding as a dark magick, to bind one is to take away free will and that in theory would always be dark, however if we add a twist and bind someone from harming themselves can you still consider it dark? Possibly so because of the matter of the free will, but then again your also stopping the darkness inside of the person being binded.
Anyways, just my view on magick and a very very brief intro on me. If your really curious about anything else just ask