Anything PLEASE?

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Anything PLEASE?
Post # 1
Alright now I have asked like 50 million people and they all said yes but never helped. I need help in any field you are willing to teach, please. And if you say yes you will help me the nplease actually help me and if you don't the njust tell me you don't want to and I wouldn't care, ok? Cause many people said they would help me but never did and I waited and waited for them but they never actually did help in anyway shape or form! So please can anyone either help and actually help or just dont reply to this post, please?
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Re: Anything PLEASE?
Post # 2
Merry Meet Matt. What is it that you want to learn? If you have asked me i do take people on and mentor them but I start at the begiining.

I am a Wiccan and teach herbal magick and spells and elemental magick.

I am waiting to see what is going to happen with the mentor program that Luzifer was startiing but if you want help pm me please and let me know what you want to learn.


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Re: Anything PLEASE?
Post # 3
NO... -_-
I answer to questions.. but I am never good at teaching.. plus I am not interested in fancy terms.
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Re: Anything PLEASE?
Post # 4
I can help you starting in any form of magic,like basics...but my speciality is necromancy,electrokinesis,hydrokinesis and green magick...
so pm me if your interested
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Re: Anything PLEASE?
Post # 5
I can teach you druidry, if you want.
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