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Post # 1
I'm studying the meditation of making mandalas. I've been reading about them on the internet and I'm a little confused. Am I supposed to have a center point and is it supposed to be symetrical? Also are mandalas always circles surrounded by squares or can it just be a circle?

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Re: Mandalas
Post # 2
they can just bbe a circle
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Re: Mandalas
Post # 3
Hm. My history/reading teacher knows ALOT about them I can ask her. I know alot about them too.
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Re: Mandalas
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
a friend of mine uses these on stand up , and from what i can understand its mainly the colours thats use to represent things but they have always been n a circle as i think its supposed to represent something now if my memory serves me well 2night i think its about the world , but i could be wrong i only went to one of his shows
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Re: Mandalas
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
I find they do not have to be symmetrical. They work best for me if I do not think about what I am drawing but what comes trough my pencil is just art that represents my meditation. Then I can look back and meditate some more on what I may see in my mandala.
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Re: Mandalas
Post # 6
msg Kao he can dictate a full novel to you about mandalas, our house is filled with them so that as people walk into our home (without even realising, they are in full release and full power and understanding of the universe... its epic ;D
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