I think Crystal 's came first then the indigos. they are to help usser in the new world. I think. but don't quote me on that.
Doreen Virtue is one of the experts on that.
LOL I understand .you have not meet mine, either.a friend said he was part wild witch and part natural been witch.I'm guessing more wild than natural!
I think I read indigo's came first. Then again, the time frame keeps changing from web site to web site lol.
I read the characteristics of indigo to my mom and I think I was missing like, 2. I'm not going to sit here and say I am one, because I am unclear if these characteristics are simply a quinky dink or not, but my son has every one of a crystal and quite a few of indigo.
He's a handful to say the least. Far more than what a child of his age should be. My mother constantly tells me he is "naughty" behaviors are identical to mine...and I was beyond a handful lol
Re: Indigo/crystal children By: Perdurabo / Novice
Post # 4 Nov 23, 2008
As far as I understand the starchild, the indigo child and the crystal child have gradually paved the way for one another in that order. Collaboratively they are here to lead mankind into the next phase of being. That is they have been the start of the next steps of mankind's evolution...if you believe it. And I do.
indigos were born since 1980, crystals since 1990.
I once read a finnish site about raising them.
For indigos you need to show them that you are the boss and you are much wiser than them. So if your son tells you something, you need to tell him something more wiser so he will see you are not stupid. And don't be too suprise looking if he knows something which was never told to him, but remember to give him much attention, so he wont lose his self-confidence.
If his at school, make him do more difficult problems, or he'll get bored with school very soon.
For crystals, almost the same with indigos, but you need to give them more attention. Dont let a crystal child lock themselfs in a room by themself, they'll not do anything bad(like more than a natrual child), but they'll get lonely, make sure they'll get alteast few good friends, so they'll learn to be social. and for a hint - crystals do tell about themselfs by art, it may be music, drawing or writing, they like to be asked why something is in someway. And you need to guide them to grow "older" so when they have their birthday, you need to show somehing a that year old does, but in the other hand dont rush, crystals like to daydream alot, and are abit slow, even they might seem like "racing cars" but they often go like in circels.
I figure youd raise the child exactly like any other child, but be very honest and upfornt with them. Dont bombard them with all the importanat stuff before they are ready and be willing to talk abpout it when ever they are. Love is how all children should be raised, there is no exception to the rule, no matter what the child is or they gifts they may have.
there may not be a exact line how a child should be raised, but there are good advice how different types of childs can be raised.
I am a crystal child, and I was raised very wrong way, and so I'm suffering for it now -> I like being with people, but I'm not social, or atleast I dont know how to get along with people -> I WAS a very wise child, everyone who knew me then remembers that, but nowdays I'm very stupid. Its because I started to ignore school, and I spend most of my time alone because nobody wanted to be with me, and what I did? I preactised aerokinesis and talked with spirits....... -.-
I was also bullied in school.
I hate to admit it but I'm like still waiting for someone to come raise me to live like normal people. I have tried many times myself but everything becomes even worst.
Re: Indigo/crystal children By: kts Moderator / Adept
Post # 9 Nov 23, 2008
Healer I am not sure what you mean by a handful. My children are a handful of love, a handful of trust, a handful of energy, a handful of patience, a handful of joy, a handful of... ok the list could go on and on.
Raising children of a different caliber can be like walking around with a loaded gun. What you want is to raise a skilled safe hunter. Teach the basics everyday. Routine is important and I don't mean you have to do things at an exact time. Have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly routines. This makes a child feel safe and able to handle non routine things because they know that eventually the normal activities will return. It also helps them make connections through time. Teach actions have consequences and to treat all living things they way that they want to be treated. A true crystal child will not get lonely if they have other living things about them. A pet like a fish can be helpful or even some house plants. Remember that they are getting there clues to how this world works from you so let them now that verbally talking to all living this is ok to do. Make sure you also have lots of creative activities for them to keep there mind busy. Books, art supplies, musical instruments, building blocks like Legos and Magnetics, dress up (even for boys) are good to have indoors. Outside give them a bug collector kit, a sand box with plenty of tools to be crative, side walk chalk, and a swing set. Most importantly play with your child and teach while you play.
If you have any specific problems feel free to pm me.