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Post # 1
what dose it mean win you see a door wile in a trance
but the door is borded shut a fernd (not the blood doner guy)
asked me but i realy dont what it means or what to do about it

eny infromation or input woud be asome
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Re: meditaion
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
It means that there is something being kept from you if you can not get through the door. Weather you are meant to know or not is up to the gods. I would try to open it the next time you see it. But remember if it seems wrong to mess with it don't because it may mean you are not ready to see what is behind it.
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Re: meditaion
Post # 3
well she has some memery lose and fogged memery do to trama
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Re: meditaion
Post # 4
it could be a lot of things, but i agree mostly with kts. Try opening it, but if she cant, then give up. Better to let things come with time then haste your life away. Ive always loved the turtle and hare nursery rhyme.
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Re: meditaion
Post # 5
tell me about the place you your in
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