In the world of the blind, the one eye man rules.. O_o I do not know the source.. I saw it on the movie wind chill.
Eye for eye and the world will end up blind- Ghandi.
in shallow souls, even the fish of small thing can cause a commotion. in oceanic minds, the largest fish makes hardly a ripple.
Gita 2:51
the wise renounce the fruit of action and in so doing attain a state beyond all evil.
ojibway prayer
look at our brokenness
we nkow that in all creation
only the human family
has strayed from the sacred way
we know that we are the ones
who are divided
and we are the ones
who must come back together
to walk the sacred way
sacred one
teach us love, compassion, honour
that we may heal th earth
and heal each other
shawnee proverb
when you arise in the morning
give thanks for the morning light
for your life and strength
give thanks for your food
and the joy of living.
if you see no reason for giving thanks
the fault lies in yourself.
"When in doubt, f--k it. When not in doubt, get in doubt."
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. "
Siddharta Buddha
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."
Siddharta Buddha
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."
Siddharta Buddha
"Falsehood is invariably the child of fear in one form or another."
Aleister Crowley
"I was not content to believe in a personal devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff."
Aleister Crowley
"Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness."
Aleister Crowley
"A scholar is like a book written in a dead language. It is not every one that can read in it."
William Hazlitt
"The head is the house of the tongue. The body affectively speaks less falsely."
Austin Osman Spare
"And remember you shall suffer all things and again suffer: until you sufficient suffrance to accept all things."
Austin Osman Spare
Chief Red Cloud"They made us many promises,they broke all but one,They promised to take our land ,and they Did...
Cherokee proverb:" Everything around us is bound together,Like the web of a spider,what ever happens to the web,happens also to the spider"
On an unmarked toombstone.
"Remember this as you pass by.
as you are now so once was I,
as I am now so you shall be,
Are you prepared to follow me?"
In conclusion, there is no conclusion.
Things will go on as they
always have, getting weirder all the time.
Every few thousand years some shepherd inhales smoke from a
burning bush and has a vision or eats moldy rye bread in a cave and sees
God. From then on their followers kill one another at the slightest
provocation. Haunted houses called temples are built by one side and torn
down by another - and then bloody quarrels continue over the crumbling
-Rev. Thomas, Gnostic
N.Y.C. Cabal