real or not?

CovenFirst Path ► real or not?
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real or not?
Post # 1
How do u know what is real in magic and what is not?

Re: real or not?
Post # 2
All magick is real. It's as simple as energy manipulation or calling upon a higher power to assist you change something to your liking.

How do you know magick is real? You feel it. You believe in it completely and when you understand what it is and how it works, you can begin to see it all around you. Magick doesn't and can't work if you don't believe in it.

It's kind of like the belief in God. If you believe in God, you can see the effects of him all around you. If you don't, you'll never see it.

Re: real or not?
Post # 3
Very well said Babe,
A saying I like is "To the believer no proof is necessary...To the Skeptic no proof is enough

Re: real or not?
Post # 4
healer.......... when u said "higher power" did u mean the spirit guide?
how can i meet my spirit guide ?

Re: real or not?
Post # 5
a higher power can be anything basically, a god, a spirit guide, an angel, a demon, anything. And to call your spirit guide takes meditation and self understanding.

Re: real or not?
Post # 6
Once you enter a place where you can put preconceived notions of what you are behind you,then you can be led by a spirit guid to see other things.
If you fight to try and stay what you believe your self to be,you may never be shown what your really meant to be.
I dont know if that makes sense to you.
I hope it does.
With meditation,visualization and practice you can learn to visit the Astral Plane,this is where you will meet your spirit guide(s) and where they dwell.
You each will get to a point of doing this,but its just another thing that takes getting good with the basics to do.

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