
CovenBaron La Croix ► Unexplainable
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Post # 1
I'm posting this because I felt who better to answer this question ,then my coven members. I've had this problem since I was 5 years old, where I'll fall asleep very deeply,and then I'll wake up, BUT won't be completely awake. What I mean by that is that, my eyes will be wide awake, my brain is thinking hard, and I'm breathing but heavy and slowly, but for some reason I can't get the rest of my body to move. Scientifically the brain is supposed to send off this message to the rest of the nerves to react and move, but when I'm in that state ,again nothing is mobile. There have been several accounts where I'll count to three silently in my head to try and kick my other leg to jump start the rest of my body waking up. Even more scarier then that, there have been times where I'll think I was able to fully wake up, and it will feel like I got up, but 2 mins later I'll realize I am still asleep. I can remember maybe once or twice with this happening, that I thought I was fully awake, BUT looking down at my body and freaking out. Lastly when I do finally awake, my body feels heavy, and my head aches terribly. Doctors I have told this to,have no idea what this is, and are probably questioning my mental state. Please let me know if you might have a guess or explaination to this. Thank you : )

Re: Unexplainable
Post # 2
About body freeze,I don't know. But if you have those dreams of waking up and looking at your body,well my friend that's astral projection. It's the moment when your spiritual body leaves physical body. You must learn to control that state,read about lucid dreaming.

Re: Unexplainable
Post # 3
Astral projection?! Wow, that means I've been able to do this since I was 5! I also have situations where I'll START to fall asleep and suddenly my mind will feel heavy and deep and I'll get these flashes of things to come...I know they are premonitions and I normally open my eyes up wide to avoid it because it scares me....now when I do that, my head aches for like 5 mins .

Re: Unexplainable
Post # 4
I've read about this also, and felt it too. "They say" it's, like was just said, your spirit, soul, whatever you want to call it, trying to re-enter the body. This is what I've found as the explaination.
Astral projection (or astral travel) refers to episodes of out-of-body experiences perceived as unfolding in environments other than the physical world, by an astral counterpart of the physical body that separates from it and travels to one or more astral planes. Astral projection is experienced as being "out of the body". Unlike dreaming or near death experiences, astral projection may be practiced deliberately.

Descriptions of such experiences are found in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife, with the soul's journey or "ascent" being described in such terms as "an...out-of-body experience" wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘other’ realms."

There is limited scientific evidence regarding the validity of astral projection, and more typically reports of such experiences are subjective and anecdotal. The belief that one has had an out-of-body experience, whether spoken of as "astral projection" or not, is common. Hundreds of personal accounts of astral projection were published in a number of books through the 1960s and 70s. Surveys have reported percentages ranging from 8% (as much as 50% in certain groups of respondents) who state they have had such an experience.

Re: Unexplainable
Post # 5
I'm so glad you and your mother had that talk so you know what's going on.

Re: Unexplainable
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
That would have been my guess too...AP. You should try to explore this more, the hardest part i think to AP is the beginning sleeping and waking up. But you already got that part down, and since you were 5 so if you explore that some more you will be able to even walk threw dreams. I actually had a friend who would visit me in my dreams by using AP.

Re: Unexplainable
Post # 7
woah thne me and my baby brother have ben able to AP sence we were around 2, no joking, i can barely remember it, but it was weird which explains why he was freaking out so much back then

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