
CovenFirst Path ► Uhhh...medium...or...hm?
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Post # 1
hey, i need help. my friend and i both confide in each other about the paranomal and she has 3 ghosts
~a buisness man
~small boy
~12-13 yr old girl
until yestersday i thought she was skisofrenic because she could interact with them and see them physically but yesteday i tlold her to describe the boy but as she was writing it down i saw right beside her the boy not with my eyes but with my minds eye. and got the description right on. later i asked her if the boy was beside her in class and she almost fainted

to get to the point is she a medium? and i have alaways sensed spirits and ghosts, but not to this degree whats happining to make it more powerful

Re: Uhhh...medium...or...hm?
Post # 2
Maybe you just opened up to something? I'm not exactly sure what could have happened... is it isolated to just this ghost or have you been seeing others too?

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