language of candles

CovenDarkness Rising ► language of candles
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language of candles
Post # 1
Some of this language is visible in the flames and smoke. The other part of that is an audible snap, crackle, pop sound that candles and all flame material makes. This is also true for fire gazing, and smoke scrying. Even though this language is simple it can help you find awnsers to questions that you may have

Here is a short description that you can use to help knowing what the flames and smoke have to say to you.

When watching the flame:

STRONG flames mean that the Goddess, God, Elemental, what ever you have called is willing to assist you.

WEAK flames means that the spell is not going according to plan. It can also mean that you are being blocked and perhaps you need to repeat the spell.

JUMPING flames mean that there is a sudden burst of energy being transmitted. There may be chaotic energy at work.

RAINBOW OR BLUE/GREEN mean strong constant energy.

When watching smoke:

NORTHERN movement indicates that there is something material manifesting and you will have to work harder to achieve your goal.

EASTERN movement is a mental mean think about what your choices are.

SOUTHERN movement means that something intense is going to happen, watch carefully

WESTERN movement indicates that magical intervention or interferences are at work.


INFREQUENT soft noises indicate conversation happening

FREQUENT mild noise indicates an authority figure

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