Pronouncing enochian word

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Pronouncing enochian word
Post # 1
Pronouncing enochian words

The enochian words when spoke should be said slowly and broken up. The word beliore is said BAY-LEE-OR-RAY, busada should come out BOO-SAH-DA. Where two identical vowels are shown together as in ooa, the pronunciation would be OH-OH-AH

Here is the sixteenth enochian key in its original state, then in pronunciation form, then in English

The sixteenth key gives recognition of the wondrous contrasts of the earth and the sustenance of these dichotomies.


Ilasa viviala pereta salamanu balata das acaro odazodi busada od belioraxa balita: das Inusi caosaji lusadanu emoda das ome od taliobe darlapa iehe ilasa mada zodilodarepe Zodacare od zodamaranu. Odo ciacle qaa zodoreje lape zodiredo noco mada hoathahe Saitan


El-lah-sah vi-vee-ah-lah pay-ray-tah sah-lah-mah-noo bah-lah-tah dahs-ah-cah-row oh-dah zoe-dee boo-sah-dah ode bay-lee-oh-rock-sah bah-lee-tah dahs ee-noo-see
Kah-oh-sah-jee loo-sah-dah-noo ay-mow-dah dahs oh-may ode tah-lee-oh-bay Dah-ree-lah-pah ee-ay-hay ee-lah-sah mah-dah zoe-dee-low-dah-ray-pay Zoe-dah-cah-ray ode zoe-dah-mayrah-noo oh-doe kee-cah-lay kwah-ahZoe-doe-ray-jay lah-pay zoe-dee-ray-doe noe-coe mah-dah hoe-ah-thah-hay Sigh-than


O thou second flame, the house of justice, which hast thy beginnings in glory and shalt Comfort the just, which walketh upon the earth with feet of fire, which understands and
Separates creatures! Great art thou in the god of stretch-forth-and-conquer. Move therefore and appear! Open the mysteries of your creation! Be friendly unto me For I am the same! The true worshipper of the highest and ineffable king of hell!

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