A passage by Lady Lionrhod, Hpss.
An amalgam of Welsh Celtic, Celtic Traditional Wicca and Wysardn Colleges, the Draconian Path was founded in 1986 by progenitor Lord Ash who brought Wysardn teachings from Europe and melded it with the workings of his Floridian coven. The Wysardn Colleges are a survival of the druids of Britain who fled the Isle of Mona and spread throughout Europe during the three Burning Times
Since the founding of the Path, the tradition has spread across the US in small covens, solitaries and dyads, and even as far as Sweden, but maintains its largest grouping in the Orlando, FL area.
Though Draconians abide the Wiccan Rede, we see that our path is evolving into something other than what most would consider Wicca, and thus most consider ourselves Witches rather than Wiccan.
By some chance, there seem to be a few other groups who also utilize the name 'Draconian.' For the record, the Draconian Path as we know it, is not related to the one founded from a Japanese book, the one stemming out of the Salem area nor do we have any relation to Voudou. I am certain they are valid paths on their own, but they are not us.
Core Beliefs
Above all, the tradition sees the Dragon as the face of the All-That-Is, and its clergy (as well as the rest of the world, from the teacup on your table . . . to the words you are reading . . . to a woman smoking a cigarette in Bangladesh and completely unknown to you the reader or I the writer) as facets of the Dragon who are trying to evolve and merge with Itself.
Balance is seen as an essential, and the Draconian ideal is neither Light nor Dark, but the Grey of understanding, equality and the ability to see both sides of a matter. Light is an aspiration, an ideal to reach for, while Darkness is that inside which if brought to balance can become one's greatest strength. In Greyness, Draconians work to see neither good nor bad, perfect nor imperfect, but that all things are 'perfect in becoming, exactly what they need to be at the present moment, to evolve to their next level of being
Self-responsibility is also seen as of utmost importance. Responsibility is defined as the ability to respond but also takes in mind the reality that one can only respond to so many situations at one time, and still maintain sanity. Again Balance is a key. The Witch/Wysard can change the world if they so choose. Even deciding that one does not have the ability or right to choose, is at its essence, a choice.
In keeping with its ideals of balance, the Draconian Path sees the Goddess and God as co-equal, and as the primary facets of the Dragon. In keeping with this balance, male and female worshippers are equal as well, with rulership of covens passed between Priest and Priestess at Light and Dark seasons.
Although the Celtic deities seem to take an interest in the tradition, the Draconian Path leaves its children free to follow the pantheons and patrons who call to them, knowing that each person must experience the Dragon in the way that touches their heart, mind and soul.
More often, the Gods and Goddesses are worshipped in the a-pantheonic archetypes of (Goddess) Maiden, Mother, Matron (warrior woman) and Crone and (God) Lover, Father, Warrior and Hunter.
With its roots in the magickal colleges of Europe, the Path tends to be scholarly and somewhat ceremonial in their approach to magick.
The Role of the Clergy
In the Draconian Path, the word 'Priest' (which can refer to both males and females) is seen as synonymous with 'Servant.' Priests may serve as counselors, teachers, mystics, healers, or even as 'devil's advocates'/coyotes whatever is most appropriate for them, their abilities, their understanding of the Dragon, and the limits of their imagination.
Draconians study a dual ladder path, maintaining a balanced degree on both Priest (witch) and Wysard (magus) side, as they feel it is necessary to maintain wisdom and understanding of the magickal world as well as connection with Deity and the Dragon.
Although they work within a hierarchy, the Draconian Path maintains that all are equal within the circle, and that degrees represent levels of growth and knowledge, not necessarily degrees of 'rightness' nor unity with the source of life.
Members may form into solitaries, dyads, covens (3 or more), and teaching groups, with a HP/HPSS of at least 2nd degree necessary to form a coven. Because of the individualistic nature of the Draconian Path, solitaries tend to outnumber covens.
The Draconian Path celebrates the 8 major sabbats. The cross quarters (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltaine and Lammas) are celebrated on their astronomical dates (15 degrees of Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo respectively). Esbats are held on the full and dark moons.
Elemental Attributes of the Quadrants
One thing that tends to confuse visitors to the Path is the overlay of directions and elements. Because the Draconian Path is based on alchemical principles, opposite elements are placed opposite each other in circle. Thus Earth is in the North, with Air, it's alchemical opposite in the South. Fire changes according to the hour as it follows the Sun across the sky, and is in the East from Midnight to Noon and in the West from Noon to Midnight. Water is in whichever direction Fire is not.
Ways of Worship
Circle casting tends to follow a basic liturgical format, which offers a sense of unity and allows the worshippers to focus on the magickal acts being performed. Ritual tends to focus on the making of magick rather than (though not excluding) ritual pageantry. Draconian ritual tends to be Apollonian in flavor rather than Dionysian, but individual groups may vary.
Becoming Draconian
The Draconian Path believes that the healthiest way to pass on their tradition is teacher to student. Teaching is highly individualized based on what the teacher feels the student needs to learn to become a balanced priest and wysard. In keeping with their sense of self-responsibility, much of the learning process is self-paced study as well. As such, Draconians do not have a public teaching manual nor many published writings. The Path cannot be learned from a book, but only from a Priest/ess/teacher of the Path
The Draconian Path