LeVay Satanism has virtually no concept of the devil, or a diety for that matter, only making references to what Satan represented. These satanists worship themselves I guess you could say *shrug* It's not that any of them have god complexes, but keeping in mind they have no concept of afterlife, their philosophy is more ''My reality depends on my existence, my existence depends on my life. Therefore, self-preservation is top priority''
Luciferianism follows the teachings of Lucifer before he fell from heaven. I've heard of other forms of it that believe that Lucifer was in the right to rebel. While techinically they are satanists, most would find it to be a derogatory term or just a label, depending on who says it
LaVeyan Satanism
...to attack your enemies, be kind to your friends, and satisfy your earthly desires.
If you do not know what LaVeyan Satanism is, you can read about it in The Satanic Bible written by Anton LaVey. This is also the man that founded the Church of Satan ''Satanism'' is just a word, like other words for religions that, in a nutshell, shows your mindset easily to observers. Organized religion is simply when those with like mindsets (with a word to represent it) congregate
Hmm...whats with the propaganda in the black bible...
haven't read to much of it though, so I might have misunderstood The ''Eleven Satanic Rules'' was interesting well most just seemed to be common sense but some seem to focus on violence and vengeance *grin*
People will always do what they want to do, whether they be satanist, christian, etc. The only thing that changes is what the individual actually wants to do. There is no right way for the many, just the right way for the one.
A lot of Satanism makes sense to me
1. It's a religion. Very simple and straightforward
2. The parts about revenge When I take revenge upon someone, the purpose is to send a message to them that they have just @#%&ed up horribly and shouldn't do it again. The ''pleasure'' of taking revenge isn't allowed in until the whole thing is over, and only if it worked out properly. There might be some part of me that feels immense pleasure in frustrating enemies, but unless I'm bashing someone or wherever (which isn't ''revenge'' technically), that's not the part of me that gets to made decisions
Personally, if you are doing it just for the kick and take immense pleasure out of it, that is slightly...self feeding. Only making yourself look horrid
Re: Luciferian vs. Satanist By: deathreaper
Post # 2 Dec 20, 2009
You are right that LeVayan satanists look at ourselfs that we are our own gods. But it does go deeper than that. the four princes of hell are there to serve and guide us like a prince does to his king. and they do allow you to worship satan or one of the other three princes so you can take a theistic approach and still stay LeVayan, also choosing another god or diety to worship too is another personal choice.
Leyayan Satanism could be called the way to live the physical life while still taking a thestic approach to grow spiritualy
Worshiping isnt frowened upon by LeVayan satanists its a personal choice of the person. But it is clear to say that LeVay tapped in to something special with his use of magic, enochian magic and satanic ritual, which when looked in to also verges on the thesitic system especially the ritual, fire on pilgrim mountain.
Re: Luciferian vs. Satanist By: voidhalf
Post # 3 Dec 22, 2009
i been read the satanic bible slowly my freind death read bewteen the lines if you use to know the true meaning nothing is strait forward