Moon Phases

CovenNatural Magick ► Moon Phases
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Moon Phases
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 1
* New Moon Magic *

New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.

* Waxing Moon Magic *

From seven to fourteen days after the new moon.The waxing moon is for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health.

* Full Moon Magic *

From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, divination. Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.

* Waning Moon Magic *

From three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon.The waning moon is used for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity.

* Dark Moon Magic *

From ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a time for ridding oneself of bad habits, Binding spells, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.

Re: Moon Phases
Post # 2
I have also heard that the dark moon is a time to give magic a rest....
Here are two other aspects of the lunar phases:

Lunar eclipse: During this time the sun and moon represent perfect harmony. A full cycle's magic can be done during this time.

Moon Woobles: An unsettling time of sudden ups and downs, increased accidents and violence, unusual or extreme weather, greater incidence of earth activity, e.g. earthquakes, volcanoes, intense and volatile emotional behavior. Anything done at this time is usually short lives because of unstable energy. Moon woobles also have benefits such as bringing new contacts, innovative ideas, increased creativity, and opportunity

Re: Moon Phases
Post # 3
Thankyou both : )

Re: Moon Phases
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Thanks for the add on BlessedOne :-)

Re: Moon Phases
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Moon Phases (Brief)
By: OccultJosh / Beginner
Apr 07, 2012 Post # 1

(delete post)
The lunar cycle takes exactly 28 days to complete. This is the same average time for a woman's menstrual cycle. (This is no coincidence) Now to the mechanics:

The Waxing Moon:
- when the moon is becoming increasingly 'larger'
- magick for increasing things mirrors this phase
- healings, prosperity, attraction, success, gains, love, increases, friendship, protection
- involves positive magick
- horns on the waxing moon are facing to your LEFT.

The Full Moon:
- (obviously) when the moon is fully lit, and the 'largest'
- For rituals or spells that require the most potent, powerful magick
- protection and any other dire situation are most used during this time
- in general, it increases magickal power/intensity
(Note: Like many things; there is a controversy on what spells and rituals are most used and recommended during full moon phase)
- most potent time of the lunar cycle

The Waning Moon:
- when the moon is becoming decreasingly 'smaller'
- magick for decreasing mirrors the waning moon phase
- banishings, exorcisms, cleansings
- ridding oneself of bad habits
- any type of ritual to rid yourself of negativity
- horns on the waning moon are facing to your RIGHT

This was the introduction, later in this thread I will go more in depth on the other more specific times during the phases. I'm sure many of you can correct and contribute to this post. I felt that writing in bullet points made it easier to interpret and absorb the information, likewise, if anyone requests it to be put in regular format I will do so gladly! I put the words smaller and larger in quotes due to the fact that the moon is always the same size. The amount that we can see, and the amount of light that is reflected from the sun are really what happens during the cylce. It was simply a easier way to word it.

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