Galdar is the process of "singing" the runes or chanting their names. Its a good way of experiencing a runes energy and meaning. There are several methods from different authors and sources, Check of Edred Thorenssen's "Futhark" for his method. Do a google search for "von List" for other methods.
My own personal method is similar to the vibration of god names used in ceremonial magic, the rune Feoh would elongated and chanted sounding more like " Feeeeeeeeeeee-Ohhhhhhhhhhh" and repeat each time letting the vibration fill your body and mind.
Galdar is a powerful technique and one I would urge caution with initially as the engergy unleased within you for some runes is very primal and powerful. Make sure you do a proper grounding afterwards and if ability allows a banishing as the
energy stays around for quite a while in my experience.
Going through the full furthark your working with is a fantastic method for delving the deeper meaning and acting like an initiation process, but be warned its a rough ride you have to do the full futhark, you cant stop halfway through, do a rune every OTHER night and vibrate the names for a pattern such as 3,6&9. For Example.....
1.Vibrate the rune Feoh three times.
2. Pause and sense the energy.
3.Vibrate the Rune Feoh again six times.
4. Pause and feel the energy.
5.Vibrate the rune Feoh again nine times.
6.Pause and feel the energy.
Follow the same procedure for each rune.
I hope that helps brother, Ive been working Runes a long time and if you need any further info please feel free to contact me.
seidh is a norse shamanic practice. it has a bunch of uses, like oracular seidr for divination, pathwalking for travelling through the nine worlds (much like norse AP) and a few other things. if you're interested, i would recomment 'Seidr: the Gate is Open' by katie Gerrard.
I know the theory behind Icelandic Galdur, it's not so much singing runes, more screaming them over a battlefield to turn the battle to your favour. That's as far as I have studied anyway. Try the book Galdrabok, by Steven Flowers. Good luck.
Re: What is the Seidh & Galdr By: Personified / Knowledgeable
Post # 7 Feb 10, 2013
Galdr and Seidhr both can be practiced in a variety of ways. A lot of the practice has been reconstructed, so parts of it are open for debate. I'd caution you to be careful with that sunnyway link. I find their information to be a bit lacking in some areas.