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Post # 1
I was just wondering what a magi is,is it just another word for someone who is wise,or is it something else?
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Re: Magi.
Post # 2
Magi is the plural of Magus, which is just a term for magician, though some orders also use it as a title for a degree.
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Re: Magi.
Post # 3
I was told that unlike a magician who uses the volk to gleen the energy needed to do work or a sorcerer who use will and focus to manifest.

Oooh he said.. I was worried when. You said you don't get drained when you do these profound actions as all the things you described "fall into place".. but then you said when the power came upon you when your comprehension aligned and you tuned into what the task was.
You are a Magi : your power comes being in tune with the fundamental principals of the Universe
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