Meditation Question

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Meditation Question
Post # 1
I used to meditate and practice with a friend of mine before he moved. He had years of experience and his grandmother would meditate, cast spells, and teach him about magick so he was much more experienced and wiser than I. He introduce to magick truthfully. I was skeptical at first, but intrigued and after long enough took full belief. Then we started seriously casting and meditating. Once we were out in the woods near my house. We had made a circle around us for protection, had cleared the forest floor most of the way, were comfortable and focused and began to meditate before the spell. Before this I had tried dearly and thought that maybe I had, but never had meditated as intently as I was then. I blocked all my senses out and everything seemed distant. At least enough where I could ignore it and focus. My friend after what turned out to be about 10 minutes called my name loudly and touched my shoulder to snap me out of it. I was out and he told me he had stopped me because shortly after I had started the brush and smaller trees around us had been shaking frantically back and forth. I told him it may have been the wind, but he insisted that the breeze wasn't enough to cause the shaking. I didn't believe him and still don't want to now, but could my meditating intensely have caused that?
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Re: Meditation Question
Post # 2
Maybe,some people believe that you can move or influence objects with your mind,i think that's what they call psychokinesis(i'm not sure if i spelled that right),or is psychokinesis just telekinesis with a different name?at any rate,some people believe that the mind can effect things in ways that are similar to that.
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