Visualization Technique.

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Visualization Technique.
Post # 1

Here is a little visualization technique I like to do to aid my visualization. I like to do this at the end of the day.

  1. Start by relaxing, whether it be in a hot bath, after you workout, or from a nice cup of tea. Just Relax. I like to do this laying down, but you can sit if you'd prefer it.
  2. Now simply start by visualing what you ate for breakfast. Try to imagine yourself making that breakfast again, feeling all of the textures, smelling all of the different smells.
  3. Let's take it up a notch. Try to visualize your route to school, work, etc. For school I like to visualize myself walking to and from all of my classes. For work, imagine your car route. Try to make the image as clear as possible

Now I know this practice may not work with everyone, so just try out different techniques and see which one you favor.

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