im a beginner

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im a beginner
Post # 1
am a beginner in witchcraft and i was wondering if some one can be my teacher start me of help me with the basics untill am advanced enough to carry on my journey alone am only asking you because i have no frends that are witches or anything so mail me if you teach me thankyou
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Re: im a beginner
Post # 2
The Basics are quite simple, you don't need any teacher/mentor for that. There are articles, forums about it. Learn it one by one and you are your own master.
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Re: im a beginner
Post # 3
will it be better if i concentrate on a colour just start of in meditation
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Re: im a beginner
By: / Novice
Post # 4
unsure what you mean, but normally people will focus on one thing to help clear their mind of other thoughts. some play soothing music, others burn incense, commonly people count their breath, whatever works for you. just google it if you're having trouble.

might help you get started.

you should pick up a book, it'll help you learn. there are plenty of beginner books in google books. what exactly are you wanting to learn? witchcraft in general? or is there a path you want to follow like Wicca or Shamanism?
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Re: im a beginner
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Here is a list of the Basics

The basics Tools,Meditation, Visualization, Focus, Moon Phases, Colors, Days, grounding and centering, power flow, Elements, circle casting, Charkas

This link is for the Basics
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