How do you cast a spell?

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How do you cast a spell?
Post # 1
I've been using this website for about a week now and I believe in magick and I have been getting a ton of help for casting spells, but they just wouldnt work! Any ideas, training, tips, or recommendations? Thank you!
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Re: How do you cast a spell?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

When choosing spells use common sense .Make sure you understand the basics .

Make sure your mind ,will and emotions agree all the time ,while performing your magical workings .

Good luck !

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Re: How do you cast a spell?
Post # 3

Also always remember to wisely choose the spells you're going to cast.

I personally categorize them to 2 very general categories...

Real magic spells - These are real magic spells that actually work for the magic practitioner if he/she casts it properly. Such spells will work for you if you know what you are doing, if you are experienced and familiar with the basics, and work better if you will choose to follow some optional traditions like : colors, planetary days and hours, moon phases, ritual tools and supplies, etc. Such spells always worked for me if they were casted properly, since they are magic spells that have potentially l to work,. Do not forget that this is about potential, and such spells really have it. By saying real magic spells i mean that these are magic spells that can be cast by magic practitioners. Such spells do not include physical changes and DNA changes, or any actual kind of transformation. This is the other sort of spells i am going to talk about.

Fluffy / fantasy spells - Such spells are not real magic spells. The magic practitioner will not be able to get results from them even if he dedicates as much energy as he can, and even if he / she follows all of the traditions and optional things. It means that they have no potential to work. No matter what the magic practitioner tries to do, and how. Such spells include : transformation, DNA changes, and other kind of things which can be found only in science fiction movies. You are able to avoid such spells by : personal experience, logic sense and maturity.

Good luck!

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Re: How do you cast a spell?
Post # 4
I actually understand about that, but the main problem I have is that I believe in magic, understand the casting perfectly well, been using them wisely, but the only problem is they dont work, I have been using basic spells such as Meditation, grounding, and others, hmmmmm, any other ideas?
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Re: How do you cast a spell?
Post # 5
Yup, I seen, Ive made another post about that to the post before you, as i said on my other post, i believe, use them wisely, use them with care, I tried to use a sun spell to make a snowstorm go away, sun came out next morning, but i think that it was just the weather just changing it itself, i've been viewing a phoenix creation spell but havent casted it yet, hmmmmm...
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Re: How do you cast a spell?
Post # 6
This might help, instead of casting spells, per say, create thought forms.
I posted instructions on creating thought forms and an example.
look under my profile History for "More powerful than spells"
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Re: How do you cast a spell?
Post # 7
Ive been looking around a little more, I like the psi balls :D but I will give it a go once I start studying magick a little more, I just got reminded that I need to do that before casting spells
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