You have to do the basics

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You have to do the basics
Post # 1

Many people practise the basics untill they can cast there first spell, and then stop practising. You have to practise the basics all day every on a dialy basis until you give up magick.

for example "i can cast spells am going to give up now" that is not the way to do it, if you stop practising the basics you will start to loose focus again and wont be able to cast spells or do anything. so you have to start right from the beginning again.

Thats why we call it the "basics" because after we are good enough at the basics thats were our journey starts and then we can start to do more complex things and the more you do the basics the more experienced you are in things.

so i hope you dont give up, stick too it to become better.

blessed be


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Re: You have to do the basics
Post # 2
Very true, don't think just because you've got the basics that you can stop doing them, just casting a circle can improve your magick.
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Re: You have to do the basics
Post # 3
Dear, all basics are not basic for all paths. Circle casting for me is pointless, mostly because I work with heka, not Wiccan-based magic. Heka is actually normal magic, but deeper and more spiritual and religious, as it combines all three spheres. Heka is every word you speak, every thought you think, every action you take, and heka follows only the natural laws and is only limited or unlimited by them. That is why I call my magic heka; both for my path and the differences between the commonly used definitions.

In heka, I don't cast a circle, I don't shield, I don't have to ground, I don't have to center, I don't have to do anything but focus on my intention, and make it known to the universe. It isn't traditional in my path to do many of the basics, but I can easily do them as I learned how to years ago.

Yes, for most, basics are a good way to start out, however it isn't for all and it isn't for anyone in particular to decide it is. There is a reason there are different paths, different traditions, and even different opinions; it is because we as a human race are all different from each other. And that is something to be celebrated, not stamped out.
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Re: You have to do the basics
Post # 4
Kebs, I see your point. but I think all MagickForYou is saying is you can not excel unless you perfect things. And by going back to the basics this is a prefect way of doing so. No matter what your beliefs, path, or practice, you have to have some kind of ground you started from. Me myself I don't do the traditional way either. But I still have things I grew from, and I fall back to every once and a wail to improve my practice, It's just the old saying of Practice makes prefect really. ^.~

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Re: You have to do the basics
Post # 5
Like everyday we need more water. . . :)
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Re: You have to do the basics
Post # 6
That assumes perfection is attainable and should be struggled towards. In the end, all that Magick is bringing forth is an opinion, and one that is little based in actual knowledge of a path. For many people, circle casting, while known, is an unimportant and/or unnecessary practice. Yes, the basics of your individual path are important, however, while they are a foundation for you, they are not the foundation for everyone. The basics are more a guideline of where to start, and you are left to decide which ones to practice or not. This business of chakras, herbs, psi balls, and adding in whatever basic you find important in your path and sending off beginners as if your list is ungodly is both ridiculous and narrow minded. The only basic parts of the basics are energy work, meditation, and maybe visualization, but under certain conditions, all you can really call basic is the energy work.

No, I am not against someone new learning them, or someone old returning to them, I am against the precedent that one must use the basics so often brought up on this site for as long as they use magic. It is mere opinion, and an limited one at that.

Magick, I honestly believe you would better spend your time learning and furthering yourself than spending it on highly opinion based posts that show a limited knowledge base. Perhaps you would find what you are really looking for by doing so.
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Re: You have to do the basics
Post # 7

Kebs i know what you are saying, only you always make a debate out of my post's no one else just you.

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Re: You have to do the basics
Post # 8
I read that and it didn't sound like a debate. She was explaining that the basics aren't universal for all paths. She was informing not debating. Kebs what is heka could you explain a little about it? I've never heard of it before
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Re: You have to do the basics
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Kebs I would also like to know more about what you practice.
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Re: You have to do the basics
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 10

Kebs made a very good point here that not many people consider. We consistently tell newcomers to learn the basics, when in fact not all practices and paths require you to learn the basics. Yes, I think it's good to know them in general, but there are those paths (even my path) where it is not required, and not always relevant to the work you do.

I think the basics can serve as a good building block, to introduce people to some new ideas and such. And practicing something, such as the basics, can help you to become more proficient, so I think the post was in general a good idea. I simply think "the basics" could be defined differently from path to path, which is what Kebs was saying.

On a side note, regarding Kebs, I believe she is writing more stuff on her practice and you can always mail her to learn more. I find her to be very intelligent.

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