Astral plane

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Astral plane
Post # 1
What is the astral plane and what does it do?
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Re: Astral plane
Post # 2
A common belief is that there are other realms and planes that coexist with our own. The astral plane is just the most common one. This is essentially just a plane that exists as a mirror image of our own, but also not as one like our own. Generally speaking some/most people believe that it is "inhabited" by spirits.
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Re: Astral plane
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This is when Google becomes your friend. It's a great place to start finding information on various topics. Here's a couple of links about the Astral Plane to explain what it is.
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Re: Astral plane
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to General Info from Other Spells Discussion.
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