Athame held in left hand

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Athame held in left hand
By: / Novice
Post # 1
I have a question regarding the holding of Athames/ wands in rituals. I've heard that you're not supposed to use your left hand to hold them. Is this the case and if so why?
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Re: Athame held in left hand
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
The answer to your question is going to depend in large part on what the particular teachings on the subject might be in one specific Tradition or another.

In the Wiccan Tradition in which I first trained we would hold the athame in the left hand when we were using it to banish energies, such as in taking down a ritual circle.

In British Traditional Wicca, on the other hand, the athame is NEVER held in the left hand, even to pick it up off the altar.This has to do with how energy is gathered and moved, but I cannot go further into detail about it because that information is oath-bound.

If you aren't working in a Tradition that specifies in which hand you should hold your athame, then there really isn't a right or wrong answer.
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Re: Athame held in left hand
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Thank you Lark, I thought it might have been something to do with the left hand being associated with the left hand path. I was way off :)
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Re: Athame held in left hand
By: / Novice
Post # 4
It has to do with how energy moves through the body. If you are right handed it is generally easier to take energy in with the left hand and project it out with the right. It would be opposite for 'lefties'. Of course you can both send and recieve with any part of the physical/energy bodies although it may require more practice. This is in general as I have met 'righties' who project better with their left hand. Also, in many cultures it was (and still is) a bad thing to be left handed. 'Lefties' were cursed by the gods, etc.


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