Honey sweet jar

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Honey sweet jar
Post # 1
I have a question and I need help. I did the honey sweet jar in Attraction spell list. I do exactly and I think It did worked. The situation is getting better than I thought. But in the spell they said i have to throw the jar to the ocean after 49 days but not past 51 days. My problem here is I was out off town so I totally forgot about the jar cant keep any longer than 51 days. What should I do now? But suddenly everything is running good now seem go back to how it was before. Mean not good. Im so worried. I dont know its because I didnt throw the jar and keep it too long or maybe I just sensitive. But I see my situation changed different than it was last month. Im so sad, what can i do to make it sweet again ..:(
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Re: Honey sweet jar
Post # 2
Magick is manipulating energy. If you are manipulating the energy around and/or in another person, it needs constant upkeep because the person will again start controlling and manipulating the energy around and in them again. You can perform the ritual/spell again but don't count on it working forever as you are not the only thing manipulating energy. Magick on people is often a temporary solution, although there are exceptions.
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