Experience level

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Experience level
Post # 1
I just ant to know what counts as "moderately experienced?" I plan on joining the group of the left hand path.
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Re: Experience level
Post # 2

I find giving levels to experience unimportant. Everyone has their own definition, and in the end it will get you know where. Just study up and practice, until you feel you are experienced enough.

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Re: Experience level
Post # 3

I would say that "moderately experienced" would mean that you are completly self sufficient in your path and you need little to no help in your practices. If you need something, then you know how to solve it, rather than constantly relying on others.To give you more perspective, if you were "experienced" then in my opinion you would be able to teach or guide others.

The other way you could take "moderatly experienced" is that you know the basics and the beginner stuff, but still need help.

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Re: Experience level
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Since that seems to be something required by a particular coven, you might want to contact the HP or HPS of that coven and ask them what they consider it to mean. That will give you a better idea of exactly what the term means rather than having responses from random members.

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