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Post # 1
Im(pretty sure I'm) not an empath, but I have the uncanny ability to read people's emotions. Is this something weird or am I over thinking normal stuff?
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Re: Emotions
Post # 2
you could have the potential to become an empath (I am by far an expert) but thats an ability you can develop sometimes I'll have days where I can feel other people emotions but only if I'm super connected to them
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Re: Emotions
Post # 3
It means that you can really connect with people on an emotional level. Whether you sympathize with them or not is another story. Just because you feel their pain doesn't mean that they are no longer being foolish or in the wrong.
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Re: Emotions
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
I believe everyone has the capability of being empathic though this empathy is more of a understanding of another's pain rather than actively feeling it as true empaths do. There are very rare situations, really very specific situations, where I feel as if I'm in the other person's shoes so to speak or in other words feeling as I expect they do but I am definitely not an empath. In many cases they go through regirous studies but I expect your ability is more like that which psychologists hone. What I mean is if you can simply read their emotions then your likely automatically analyzing signs such as facial features, body posture, etc... that can be very telling for those who know what to look for.
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