asing about an author

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asing about an author
Post # 1
any one here ever hear of a wizard goes by the title oberon zell-ravenheart. runs an online school. read the books, seemed the legit some stuff little edgy, but most on the level. but just want a community consensuses.
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Re: asing about an author
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I am familiar with Oberon's works. They seemed like they were geared more towards children. Not that the information is bad, by any means. Most of it is quite good, and he has done a lot of research into magical practices. I looked at his online school, read his books, and listened to what he had to say. I think there is a bit of a showman and storyteller in him (not in a bad way). All in all, what he gives is not bad, but just not seirous and focused enough for my taste.


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Re: asing about an author
Post # 3
cool that's the impression I got too
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Re: asing about an author
Post # 4
If you are looking for a more serious path I suggest the book Modern Magick. It is also quite open to doing what works for you in a sense. It's a great starting point that covers the important basics first.
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