Spell problems

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Spell problems
Post # 1
Earlier today, i tryed casting a "Grow Wings in 2-4 days" spell, and it was working for a bit, but then i went to go do some other stuff while i waited and the symptoms of the spell working went away ( back pains and tinglyness ) so i tryed to cast the spell again thinking that it had failed, and it hasnt worked since. Help?
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Re: Spell problems
Post # 2

It did not work because spells for wings do not work. Magick and casting spells cannot make you grow appendages, such as wings, that humans do not normally have. That would require altering your DNA, which is not possible on that scale.

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Re: Spell problems
Post # 3
I understand that, but if that is right, then why did i acctually feel pain and tinglyness in my back? another symptom of it working was if your legs and feet were feeling weak, which they also were.
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Re: Spell problems
Post # 4

You simply imagined it. If you are under the impression that you will start feeling a certain way, then your body can actually make you feel that way. For example, when you think you are getting mosquito bites you suddenly start feeling itchy or feel like things are crawling over you.

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Re: Spell problems
Post # 5

You basically tricked your mind into believing something was happening. Much like the placebo effect observed in medicine trials.

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