a quick guide

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a quick guide
Post # 1
Hello, everyone, I'm going to give use a quick guide on the basics.

Meditation: well, to me meditation is not about getting into a meditative, or me its just relaxing and letting go and paying attention to whatever your intention is. Its about getting a better connection to the subconscious.

Visualiseation: visualiseation is a big basic when it comes to the craft because its how you ground its how you set your intention, its how your aise energy etc....

Grounding: grounding us basically getting rid of excess energy and renewing your energyw with the earth. Makes you relaxed and clears your mind, this helpos before you try to meditate.

Casting a circle: casting a circle is diffrent for everyone but for me I use it to protect me when doing rituals,spells, meditating. Etc....

Like I said its short

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