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Post # 1

Magick has been practiced for thousands of years, taking lifetime to master, some don't even master it....Magick is taking the neutral energy and influencing it negativly or positivly. Magick has no color, it is the spell casters intent that makes it negative or positive. Magick doens't need words, any language and any culture can preform this art. It takes belief and confidence to use magick along with imagination and focus.

Magick runs on a a guide, we call it the "Laws of Nature", it separates the magick that you see on Hollywood tv shows and movies. Witchs don't eat little children (at least not all of them). Magick isn't a single religion, there are a variety of religions inside of the magickal uses.

There is no real spell to become a Wicca, Pagan, or any other path..It's a title we give ourselves, to pronounce what religion we serve, a lot of people have multiple religions. It's just like when we call ourselves witches, we are giving ourselves that title.

1 word dictionary.

Warlock- "Warlock" is Irish for "oathbraker". So calling yourself or someone else a "warlock" is calling them or you a "oathbraker".

That is why males call themselves witches as well. Warlock was a name they gave male witches, and as you can tell most of those "warlocks" in movies were evil witches.

Magick can not change your physical being, which means you can't change your DNA. If you really looked into the General forums you will see some of the Knowledgeable people post because like them I am getting annoyed with the rapid amount of forums and chatter posts asking how to be something you can never be.

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