
CovenSpell Casters ► charming
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Post # 1
How do u charm stuff
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Re: charming
By: / Novice
Post # 2
take an object [we'll go with a necklace] first cleanse it. easiest way to do so is to place the necklace in salt water for a day [you can also use solar or lunar water if it's going to be used in solar or lunar rites. basically leave water in the sun or moonlight for 12 hours.]

now cast a circle, meditate, then take your purified necklace, pass it through some incense [try to find incense that helps with what you're casting like love charm or money charm] then charge the necklace with energy. feel the energy travel through your body and pool in the necklace. visualize your desired outcome, and possible the necklace glowing. [say pink for love, green for luck, white for protection] if you have a chant, say it. that's it. some people leave the object on the altar overnight to be blessed, or leave it in the sun/moon light depending on if it's meant to work with its energy, but you could use it from that point on.

charms usually work for a month or two. sometimes you could stretch it to a year but it's a good idea to recharge and re-bless your charm on a regular basic as the energies will grow weak.
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