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Post # 1
I try to meditate all the time. The problem is that since I have a tighter heel cord(or whatever scientific name for it, I can't remember which one it is.) but its so uncomfortable. Is there any other position I can put my legs in that will also facilitate relaxation?
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Re: Positioning
Post # 2
*I meant to say tighter heel cord than an average persons.
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Re: Positioning
Post # 3

If you want, you could lay down on your back as if you were going to sleep. Or sit with your back against a wall and your legs on the floor pointing in front of you. You can meditate in any position that you can think of as long as it's comfortable to you, and preferably keeps you from falling asleep.

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Re: Positioning
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4

Laying down or sitting in a comfy chair are great alternatives to sitting with your legs crossed (as I assume is the problem position).

You should probably stretch that heel cord too. All muscles can become stretched and function properly! :)

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