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Post # 1
I have been thinking about getting into magic. I was reading a little bit on Nature Magic here:

And I was thinking.. I know Opossums are immune to many snake venom's so if I were to get a dried Opossum body part could I use it to heal snake bites?
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Re: Question.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

You know doctor's have a special name for people who use unconventional ways to heal the bite of a venomous snake. They call them...dead.

Really, I know of no way that having a bit of an opposum is going to heal the bite of a poisonous snake. The only treatment for such a bite is generally anti-venom. And even with anti-venom, if the bite is from a snake such as a copperhead or a rattlesnake you might still end up loosing anything from a chunk of flesh to an arm or leg.

If I were going to use magic in such a situation I would use magic in addition to standard medical treatment, not instead of such treatment.

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Re: Question.
Post # 3
If you got that information from the link you left, I would recommend a different site.
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