Vodou vs, Hoodoo

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Vodou vs, Hoodoo
Post # 1
In this post I will seek to explain to you the difference between Hoodoo and Vodou.

Vodou is an initiatory religion whose origins are in Africa. The religion, before it came to Haiti was called Vodun (which was a mixture of several tribal practices). Vodou as it is now is a blend of the original Vodun, years of slavery (and the spirits it brought into being or made more violent/'hotter'), and Catholicism. Hoodoo is a very Christianized practice of Native American, African, and European magical practices. It is not a religion, but is practiced in general by Christians, but one does not have to be Christian to practice it. To add for clarification, the Christian god is the only deity called upon in Hoodoo. While Vodou has magical practices associated with it is not in itself a practice revolving around magic. Hoodoo is a magical practice and not a religion, but can be incorporated into one's religion.

Got help from KobraConjure on clarification
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