Family Curses

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Family Curses
Post # 1
I am having someone help me to get rid of a family curse put on me. I am a bit scared, always knew I was cursed and it has to be from my mom. The person helping me hasn't said yet, but did say if I don't get rid of it soon, no one can help me.
I think my moms mom was a christian scientist, but does anyone have any ideas as to what they do? I want this curse gone. I am scared, what could it possibly be exactly? I think it was from my moms mom.
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Re: Family Curses
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
So you believe your family is cursed, and you don't know what exactly the curse does and you also don't know where it came from. And you think it originated from a Christian scientist?
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Re: Family Curses
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Sounds like something out of a movie.
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Re: Family Curses
Post # 4
Well, I'm not so good at explaining things. Sorry about the christian science part( I was wondering if that was a link since my mom never talks about it, never has.), I saw her face transfigure into evil, then change back. I feel like an idiot now, so I'll explain later when my confidence returns.
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Re: Family Curses
Post # 5
Christian Science :


Through their literature, and other research, there's no evidence that they "curse" people.

Why do you believe that you're cursed, other than "someone" telling you are?

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