Tingling shaking feeling

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Tingling shaking feeling
Post # 1
Hi I'm new here and for last 1 week I have been practicing the basics before I start a spell. But strangely every time I finish practicing the basics I get this tingling shaking feeling can someone explain to me what's happening.
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Re: Tingling shaking feel
Post # 2
Theres nothing harmful about practicing the basics, but if i had to guess, i would say that you need a different method of ground and centering.
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Re: Tingling shaking feeling
Post # 3
What do you mean
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Re: Tingling shaking feeling
Post # 4
Happens to me sometimes, maybe the magic is trying to adjust
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Re: Tingling shaking feeling
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
It's a part of entering a trance. You may jerk, tremble, lose feeling/awareness of your body or just certain parts. Be sure to take it easy afterwards and eat or drink (or both) something to bring yourself back. It's biological not spiritual. A trance is a self induced alteration in your brain waves, between meditation and sleep. You're getting into it easily but may need time to come back from it more readily. Even I take at least 10 minutes to shake a deep trance off, and I've been doing it for 15 years.
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Re: Tingling shaking feeling
Post # 6
Yea last night I did it again but this time I felt fine afterwards no shaking or tingling or shaking I guess because I my centering and grounding different this time.
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Re: Tingling shaking feeling
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
I agree with what WhiteRav3n wrote above.I also sense tingling while practicing Tai chi and Qi gong ,both practices help entering in trance alike state ,since they are types of moving meditation,despite that Tai chi can be used as martial art too.
I think achieving state of trance allows you to be aware of your life force(energy ) circulation better.It takes some time to return to your normal state of being after practice.
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Re: Tingling shaking feeling
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
Forgot to mention that achieving a light state of trance during spellwork and magical work is a good sign ,because it shifts your understanding perspective and allows you to to tap into forces within you or outside you.However ,you have to always ground after your work is done ,or this can disrupt your mind and body on long run.For example after each form(or series of forms) in internal martial arts there is closing gesture that pushes the energy towards the ground in order for it to be grounded.In magic this is known as grounding and centering.There are many ways to do that effectively ,so your biological and energy balance is not tipped off balance.Walking in state of trance all day along is not a perfect situation ,this will hinder your logical mind ability to pay attention to things that might put your physical body in danger like speeding up car against it.Our logical mind is in operation the most and more often ,because in this way our physical needs are met and our physical survival is reassured.State of trance allows you to detach from the material world and shift your focus inwards on outwards on much more deeper and subtle level.Then we get to realize and feel things we could not when our logical mind was in absolute dominance. This is desirable when your physical body is safe and relaxed ,while practicing meditation or any other form of magical workings.
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Re: Tingling shaking feeling
By: / Novice
Post # 9
From my own personal experience, the tingling and shaking feeling that you are experiencing could be caused by the presence of a nearby spirit. Often at times, when feel or see a spirit nearby, I often feel an intense tingling and shaking feeling shoot up from my legs and through my spine. Most likely it is probably what the others have said. Calling up energy and not being properly grounded can cause this feeling as well. If I may suggest something, try carrying or wearing an onyx stone, or a piece of jewelry that has onyx in it. From what I know, onyx is a very good gemstone/stone for helping with grounding. :)
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Re: Tingling shaking feeling
Post # 10
thanks for comments :)and i will purchase a onyx stone just to be sure.
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