How to start out?

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How to start out?
Post # 1
Okay so what is everysingle detail of what I need to start out? People start saying doing meditation, doing a lot of research , and doing this and that. I wanna know EXACTLY what I need to do , what I need to study, and where I can find it. Not just bits and pieces. Come on guys? Can someone help a beginner out as much as possible? I'd greatly appreciate it.
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Re: How to start out?
Post # 2
You need to realize that everyone does things their own way, if you want a suggested one, be more specific. There are multiple paths to pursue, and each will have its own set of suggestions.

My suggested general list for basics is:
-acquire a crystal
-learn to meditate
-learn to ground and center
-become acquainted with what you're after
-look for any covens or groups in your local area
-try a first spell
-write your own spell and try it
-learn astral projection(gradually)
-become proficient at shielding
-make a few psi balls

These will get you started.
Blessed be, and on your path, may the odds be ever in the favor of the Norse and their potatoes. (Oh, and you too. Forgot to mention you.)
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Re: How to start out?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
Here is a list of the Basics

The basics Tools,Meditation, Visualization, Focus, Moon Phases, Colors, Days, grounding and centering, power flow, Elements, Circle Casting, Charkas

This link is for the Basics
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