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Post # 1
Happy(well sort of) Lammas to all of the Wiccans. Lammas is when the Horned God gives up his life force to sustain humanity. It also marks a harvest. The symbols of this holiday are grains, wheat, corn, and barley.
Another important thing about this day is sacrifice. Not human or animal but the knowledge that there is a price to pay for everything and one thing must be given up to allow another to be born. YOu can think of it as the Wiccan version of lent. I gave up my laziness.
During World War II several witches in England got together and tried to repel Hitler on this day. THey sent him a magically message saying, "You can not come!" The spell required so much energy many of the older witches died as a result.
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Re: Lammas!
Post # 2
Some also call this holiday Lughnasadh.
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Re: Lammas!
Post # 3
Happy Lammas^^ lol I know Im a little late.
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