I need a teach bad!

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I need a teach bad!
Post # 1
I just started trying to learn about magick and I have no idea what I am doing. I want to learn basically everything I can. If you can help please respond!
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Re: I need a teach bad!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
You want to learn everything? Well, we all want that. But it's impossible; you will never know it all.
So read, study,ask questions. You are young,and will learn as you grow.Knowledge comes from many sources.Remember that school isn't really for you to learn; it is to teach you "how" to learn! Reading,writing,math,some history, a little geography. And any teacher will tell you that you will learn more after leaving school than you ever learnt in class!
And always note the old adage,"Don't believe everything you hear! Don't believe everything you read. And only believe half of what you see!"
Welcome to the site. I hope you find what you seek.
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