Psi vampire help & knowle

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Psi vampire help & knowle
Post # 1
I need help I'm not sure if im a energy/psi vampire so can u tell me what they act like and a spell for energy vampire feeding or how to feed so if u know anything please respond thanks and later
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Re: Psi vampire help & knowle
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Dear Jay. You are young yet, but during your lifetime you will come across the type of person that does, literally, "sap" the energy from others. You will get it very much from the elderly who constantly complain that they need "help with this, or that".They really do sap the energy from the person or persons "caring for them". They are often referred to as "psychic vampires".
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Re: Psi vampire help & knowle
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Yep, these days those who do this sort of energy stealing call themselves "Psychic Vampires" because it sounds cooler than the old term we had for them which was "energy leech".

There is no spell to turn you into anything. If you want to steal energy from others you don't need magic to do it. But be aware that no one likes an energy leech.

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