First off, I'd like to state these are my personal opinions and I make no intent to offend anyone. If you find this offensive, please message me immediately.
So what is magick? In my definition magick is a form of science that uses energy. As energy is in everything, physical and otherwise, you can do a lot of stuff with various magicks.
Often times people, usually young folks, start learning magick because they think it is cool. Magick is not something to be used because it's "cool" but because it enlightens people.
Magick has been around for thousands of years. Recently, practitioners have added a "k" at the end of the word magic because without that "k", many people think that magick sounds fluffy.
As a practitioner of nearly seven years, I have learned two things. Nothing is always as it seems, and nothing in magick, or anything really, is easy.
There comes a time in every practitioner's life when they must choose to make magick their life, or to continue standing from the sidelines and only continuing it as a hobby. This decision can be hard for many due to many different reasons such as their family's beliefs, how they were raised, and so on.
Magick is an ancient form and I believe that it should not be used lightly. Then again, this is all my own opinion.
Magic (without the K!) is changing one or more things into something entirely different.That's my opinion!
The K at the end of magic was one of the pretensions of Aleister Crowley. The word is Magic, not Magick!
I like your post, but Bryson brought up a valid point. Aleister crowley introduced us to the term, Magick with the ''K''. Which in recent years, is now seen being used in the so called, ''occult'', or ''wiccan'' books. Thus this can truly give difference of concepts, often leading ''magic'' the initial word, to be seen as not, correct, or lately in a few books, ''magic, the word is something that, a acting magician whom, uses cards, and tricks, is referred too'' But in reality magic is the workings of the art, craft, and the old ways. Magic(k) has been lately adapted, and now stand for the craft.
There was a few posts on this, stating from the works of magic, and definations. Good post overall however.
It is easy to understand. There is not only this physical world.
There is an Astral plane, a Mental plane and some others. Like finer worlds. Only as an example. In various texts are given different names.
And magick is using powers those finer worlds.
"Spiritual" worlds (plains) coul people recognise through meditation and similar techniques.
Every being has this earthly body, the astral, mental, ..and so on. And the finer body acts on the finer levels. This is the essence of magick.