Successful spells?

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Successful spells?
Post # 1
Hello I am new here although I've been on here before. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice as how to make a spell more likely to be successful. Thank you.
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Re: Successful spells?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Look at it this way: A spell is going to push the odds in your favor. Want to cast a spell to win the lottery? Fine.

Your odds will go from 1:9999999 to 1: 9988888 youre still not going to win but.....

So theres that.

Otherwise get the basics down meditation, grounding, visualization and then know what your intention is. Make a really clear intention and then do the work.

If you dont know what the above is, read up on it here and elsewhere. Theres tons of stuff on this website about it.

Good luck!

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