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Post # 1
how do I find out what works best with me for me with spells?
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Re: new
By: / Novice
Post # 2
It's all down to personal preference so frankly it's as simple as going with your gut and experimenting, if you get on with it great, if not then adapt it or try a different method until you discover your on preferences.
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Re: new
Post # 3
You should really learn the basics first to get a good idea of what magic is and how it works. Never try a spell just to see if it works or if it is right for you. Magic is very powerful and should be respected not played around with.
If you have not, I'd recommend studying the basics such as meditation, centering, grounding, energy manipulation, and visualization.
If you have, then practice with some spells. I woulf not recommend practicing with harmful spells or summoning as you should be very experienced before you attempt such subjects.
Good Luck.
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